Preview Mode | Wed, 12 Mar 25 04:26:52 +0000 Date 2025-Mar-12 Epoch 2075 Rebase Rate $1.0652 Target $1.2007 Total Supply Λ 64,420,115
Ampleforth's Ecosystem contracts - from an Ampltools perspective.

Core contracts

Ampleforth dApp addresses

These are the contract which make up the main Ampleforth dApp on the base-chain Ethereum. These contracts make AMPL possible.

AMPL Token

The main on base-chain AMPL ERC-20 token contract address.

AMPL Supply Policy

AF(h) Implementation contract upgraded 6-nov-2024 in V1.4

Upgraded to Sigmoid Curve 26th march '22 [withtally link] on AIP5[AIP link], discussed at [Forum link].

AMPL Orchestrator
Rebase button lives here


AF(h) Implementation contract upgraded 6-nov-2024 in V1.4

Ampleforth Governance

These are the contracts governing the Ampleforth ecosystem core contracts.

Ampleforth Governor Bravo

Ampleforth Governance Deployer

Account used for the Contract Creation of the Governor system.

FORTH Claim contract

Contract used to distribute the $FORTH token.

Program ended

Cross-Chain Bridge addresses

Chainbridge XC

Ampleforth Cross-Chain (XC) Bridge addresses on the Base Chain (Ethereum Network Side).
Github Cross Chain Ample for more info.

chainBridge/bridge (v1)

Upgraded to v2





Other contracts

Ampleforth tooling contracts

Contracts created by the original developer team facilitating usage of AMPL in the form of on-chain contract tools.


Contract for wrapping AMPL / Minting WAMPL.

SPOT Rollover vault

AF(h) Implementation contract upgraded 6-nov-2024 in V1.4

Ampleforth Ecosystem Funds

These are the contracts used to kickstart the Ampleforth ecosystem.

Liquidity Mining Programs

Chainbridge Contracts | Sattelite Chains


Below the chainbridge contracts on the Binance Smart Chain.

Bridge poster showing route ETH->METER->BNB.
Binance Smart Chain is connected to the Ethereum basechain using the Meter Passport bridge.

dApp Addresses AMPL token on BSC

Contracts representing the AMPL Token on the Binance Smart Chain.

AMPL Token (xcAmple)

This is the AMPL token on the Binance Smart Chain.

Contract name: AMPL-BSC-mp

Token Symbol: AMPL secured by Meter Passport(AMPL)

Bridge Addresses on BSC

Ampleforth Cross-Chain (XC) Bridge addresses on the Binance Smart (satellite) Chain Side.

chainBridge/bridge (v1)

Upgraded to v2





Below the chainbridge contracts on the Avalance Chain.

Bridge poster showing route ETH->METER->AVAX.
Avalance chain is connected to the Ethereum basechain through the Meter Passport bridge.

dApp Addresses AMPL token on Avalance

Contracts representing the AMPL Token on Avalanche.

AMPL Token (xcAmple)

This is the AMPL token on the Avalance chain.

Contract name: AMPL token

Token Symbol: AMPL secured by Meter Passport (AMPL)

Owner (Multi-sig)

Multi-sig owner of AMPL Contract on Avalanche

Bridge Addresses on Avalance

Ampleforth Cross-Chain (XC) Bridge addresses on Avalance, the satellite Chain Side.




External Vaults

External vaults used by the Ampleforth Protocol. (PoL)

Charm vault

The Charm Vault used by the Ampleforth DAO. Vote-27


Archived Geyser pools

Below the old Geyser pools.

Beehive v3

Program ended wk 29 '21

Beehive v4

Program ended wk 28 '22

Beehive v5

Token symbol: UNI-ETHAMPL-V2

Old Faithful v1

Program ended wk 29 '21

Old Faithful v2

Program ended wk 28 '22

Pescadero v1

Program ended wk 29 '21

Pescadero v2

Program ended wk 28 '22

Trinity v1

Program ended wk 29 '21

Trinity v2

Program ended wk 28 '22

Trinity v3

Token symbol: WBTC-WETH-WAMPL


Token symbol: aAMPL

Pools on Avalanche

Crystal Geyser V1

Token symbol: Pangolin Liquidity (PGL)